Posted by Tessa Rousselle on


(Photos: @7kingcavaliers)

Turns out there is some super tasty "human food" out there that can be used to spice up your pup's usual chow. We love experimenting with fur-baby approved foods that pack healthy benefits + taste delish, and have found one ingredient in particular that really gets the tails waggin': bananas! There are a few things y'all should know about feeding 🍌 to your pups, and we've got the scoop.

✅ They're high in potassium! This means bananas are great for muscle and blood vessel function as well as for regulating the acidity of body fluids.

✅ Bananas are fiber loaded, which makes this tasty fruit a handy home remedy for the occasional bout of doggy diarrhea or constipation.

✅ They're magnesium rich. Magnesium is important for energy transport and protein building in the body.

 ✅ Hellooooo pyridoxine (vitamin B6)! Bananas help metabolize proteins and regulates blood cell function so the blood can bring more oxygen to the brain and muscle.

✅ They're rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects cells from damage and helps build cartilage. 

✅ As amazingly beneficial as bananas are for your pup, keep in mind they should only be snacked on as treats and should not be a regular part of your fluff nugget's diet.

🐶🍴Pup prep: mash a banana and mix it in with your dog’s food as an occasional treat. Easy peasy!

For extra spoiling, toss the mashed 🍌 into the microwave for 20-30 seconds before serving OR freeze some slices ahead of time for a chilly treat on a steamy day. 

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